To improve muscle quality, "walking + strength training" two to three times a week.

150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise per week to reduce fat buildup in your muscles.

The "quality" (function) of muscles is secretly deteriorating due to aging and lack of exercise. In order to reduce the fat that accumulates in the muscles and maintain good quality muscles, it is essential to exercise moderately and stimulate the muscles. So what kind of exercise should we do to prevent the loss of muscle quality?

What we need now is "good quality muscles"! 

1. What's important is "good quality muscles"! What are the danger signs that indicate a decline in quality?
2. Why does muscle quality decline? A negative spiral caused by aging and lack of exercise
3. Walking and Strength Training" 2 to 3 times a week to improve muscle quality

Without strong stimulation, muscle loss starts with "fast-twitch" muscles.

What kind of exercise should I do to maintain good quality muscles? Is it enough to just take a leisurely walk or do we need to do some strength training like squats?

 To understand the type and intensity of exercise needed, it is important to know the classification of muscle fibers that make up skeletal muscles (muscles that move the skeleton). Muscle fibers are divided into slow-twitch (ST) and fast-twitch (FT) as shown in the following table. "Some of you may already have a rough idea that slow-twitch muscles are used for aerobic exercise that requires endurance, while fast-twitch muscles are used for anaerobic exercise that requires instantaneous force. Fast-twitch muscles are further divided into FTA, which has some endurance capacity, and FTB, which is mainly for instantaneous contraction.

Types of muscle fibers
Slow-twitch muscle

ST (slow-twitch)...Excellent endurance capacity. Slow contraction speed

Fast-twitch muscle

FT (fast-twitch)...capable of producing large contractions. Low endurance capacity

FTa...also has endurance capacity

FTb...low endurance, high instantaneous contractility

When we perform weak exercises such as walking slowly, the slow-twitch fibers are mainly used. Then, as the intensity of the exercise increases, such as fast walking, jogging, or even weightlifting, the slow-twitch fibers, FTa fibers, and FTb fibers are mobilized in that order.

 When muscle fibers are not used, they atrophy and become thinner. Therefore, when strong exercise stimuli decrease, the FTb fibers used in strong exercise deteriorate first, followed by FTa fibers, and so on. Since the elderly tend to have less exercise with strong stimuli, the fast muscle fibers tend to decline, and the percentage of slow muscle fibers increases.

 Without proper functioning of the fast-twitch muscles, it becomes difficult to perform instantaneous movements that exert force, such as standing up, climbing stairs, and stepping down when stumbling, which can lead to unexpected falls and tumble. It also reduces the uptake of sugar in the muscles, making it easier to develop diabetes.

 In other words, to prevent falls and fractures and maintain strong legs and feet, it is necessary to continue exercising with a certain level of intensity so that fast-twitch muscles can be strengthened at any age. 

Slow muscle fibers deteriorate quickly when you are bedridden.

On the other hand, slow-twitch muscle fibers are also used for maintaining posture. Since gravity is applied on earth, even when we are just standing or sitting, our slow-twitch muscles are working. The slow-twitch muscle is also called the anti-gravity muscle because it exerts a force against gravity.

 "Just like fast-twitch muscle fibers, slow-twitch muscle fibers deteriorate rapidly if they are not used. Astronauts sometimes lose the ability to stand after spending time in zero gravity in space. This is called disuse muscular atrophy, and it is known that it tends to occur in slow-twitch fibers, which are anti-gravity muscles," says Ishii. When slow-twitch muscle fibers deteriorate, it becomes difficult to maintain and control posture, making it difficult to perform sustained activities such as standing or walking. "For example, after major surgery, people are now forced to walk the corridors of the hospital from the next day or so. If you stay in bed because the wound hurts, you won't be able to stand up in a few days," Ishii said.

 To prevent muscle weakness and lead a healthy and independent life, it is necessary to train both fast and slow muscles.



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